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MECLA Working
Group 5a - Steel

Working Group 5a – Steel (WGa) is dedicated to accelerating emissions reductions in steel through knowledge sharing on the complexities of manufacturing low carbon steel. 

Steel is a complex ecosystem with many stakeholders and various institutions. In order to accelerate the transition to low carbon steel all facets of the industry must collaborate. WG5a brings together experts from along the steel supply chain to reduce emissions.

WG5a builds capacity for low carbon steel through Spotlight events, snapshots on breakthrough technologies and intiatives, addressing the green premium, and transition funding mechanisms. WG5a has ongoing discussions about access to recycled steel and the manufacturing of ‘green’ hydrogen steel. 


Low Carbon Steel Brochure

WG5a produced a Low Carbon Brochure summarising the opportunities and challenges faced by the iron and steel on the road to decarbonisation. This document is available for reference on the MECLA website as a resource for industry. 


WG5a have created a collection of single page snapshot documents. Each of these snapshots explains an aspect of steel decarbonisation and are readily available for industry through the MECLA website.

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